Virago Fitness

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ladies circuit training in Ajman

Virago Fitness offers the advanced group sessions for circuit training in Ajman. We have a team of experienced trainers coaching our students in a way they found easier and useful for their improved cardio performance and weight management. We are connected with many students all over the nation by connecting them via both online and offline mode.

Our schedules are busy but we a lot you the group sessions based on your suitable training if you reach us in advance. Connect with us through the online mode for fast solution and saving time and efforts.

Virago Fitness is a centre for the best ladies circuit training in Ajman, UAE. Our prominent guidance to the fitness enthusiasts to balance the state of their mind and body together has helped us to come on the upper item of the list. We aim to provide the best physical and mental state along with a fine body shape with our group sessions for efficient exercises and guidance for healthy lifestyle and habits.

Attain balance in your cardio and weight management performance with our program for circuit training for ladies in Ajman. Our gym is equipped with all the necessary equipment of good brands that are technically advanced. We keep motivating our fitness enthusiasts to focus on attaining the sound physical and mental state along with fine body shape.

circuit training

Circuit training is a class of High Intensity that will engage the body trough functional workout mixing cardio and strength, with different stations that you shall do as circuit.

health benefits

physical benefits

Things To Bring

Water Bottle

Sports Shoes

Sweat Towel

Extra Clothes
